Welcome to INFO 4 U's Geology & Earth Home Page
planet EarthWho can ever forget the vivid images of volcano Mount Saint Helens blowing her top, or scenes of devastating earthquakes leveling whole cities in less than a minute? These are but two of the many faces of Earth Science. Perhaps you are more interested in rocks and minerals, fossils, or plate tectonics, or how hurricanes unleash their fury. Whatever you are looking for, we hope you will find it at INFO 4 U.
Come and surf, learn, and most of all, enjoy.

Earth Measurement:
  1. The Richter Magnitude Scale
  2. What is Geodesy?
  1. Earthquake Weather?
  2. Silent Earthquakes
  3. The San Andreas Fault
  4. Was That The Big One? Depends On How You Measured It.
  5. When This Lake 'Burps,' Better Watch Out!
  1. Fossil Energy - The Basics
  2. Natural Gas - The Blue Flame
  3. There's Oil Down There
  1. The Hole Scoop on Ozone
  2. What is Haze?
  1. A Continent In Deep Freeze
  2. A National Park of Caves
  3. A River of Sand
  4. Bryce Canyon
  5. Crater Lake
  6. Devils Postpile National Monument
  7. Geology Played Key Role in the End of the Civil War
  8. Heading For The Badlands
  9. Salty Remnants At Death Valley's Badwater
  10. The Importance of Cave and Karst Systems
  11. What's So Bad About The Badlands?
  12. White Sands National Monument

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