Please check out the questions/answers below. If you don't find an answer to your specific question please email the question and we will respond.

Q: How do I contact INFO 4 U?
A: Additional contact info:

E-mail us:

Q: Which browser is the best one for viewing INFO 4 U?
A: For the best possible viewing of INFO 4 U, we recommend you use  Firefox 2.x or later.

Q: How do I upgrade my browser?
A: To upgrade your Internet browser, go to your browser's home page and download the latest version (e.g., for Firefox go to and for Internet Explorer go to

Q: How can I submit my site, or event, or school to your site? Will my site be considered for review? How will my site be judged?
A: Each site which is submitted to us is considered for review. Whether or not it is chosen to be reviewed and included on our site, it WILL be included in our database if it is appropriate to the education community.

Q: I'm having difficulty with the INFO 4 U site. How can I get help?
A: Email us at

Q: The information for my listing is wrong/needs to be updated. What do I do?
We greatly appreciate updates to listings so we can keep our database as current as possible. Please contact us at:

Q: Can INFO 4 U get me connected to the Internet?
No. INFO 4 U is a content provider, not a service provider. That means we provide you with content on the Internet, not a connection to the Internet. A company that gains you access to the Internet is a service provider. A company such as Netscape offers both. You will need to contact your local Internet service provider for Internet access.

Q: Do you collect information about me that I don't know about?
INFO 4 U does not collect any personal information about you, including your e-mail address, unless you supply it, for example when you place an download from the site.

The information we may collect is technical, such as  page visits, originating server, and/or software version. We only summarize this information to assist us in site design  offerings.

Q: Why do I sometimes get an error message when linking to a Web site?
As you can imagine, the World Wide Web is a busy, constantly changing environment. There are several reasons for error messages. Sometimes a site's server is not working, and the page cannot be accessed until it is operating again. At other times, the traffic on the information superhighway is just too heavy, and too many people are trying to get to the same place at the same time. Sometimes sites disappear, or more frequently the site changes its address or restructures pages within the site. Sometimes you will be able to find the page by going back to the site's home page. Sometimes you may simply find a dead end. If you persistently receive an error message when trying to use a link from INFO 4 U, please let us know by clicking on Feedback at the bottom of every page.

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