Privacy Guarantee
As a responsible netcitizen INFO 4 U will notify you of:
  1. What information INFO 4 U gathers/tracks about you.
  2. What this site does with the information it gathers/tracks.
  3. With whom INFO 4 U shares the information it gathers/tracks.
  4. INFO 4 U's policy on opting out of any membership or deleting or deactivating your name from our database.
  5. INFO 4 U’s policy on amending user information.

Privacy Pledge
All of us here at INFO 4 U use the Internet daily to perform our work and to check out fun and interesting places. Like you, we are concerned about privacy on the Internet. Since we share your same concern we respect your privacy. We pledge to only use your personal information to enhance your visit to the INFO 4 U site.

Tracking Information
As a result of your use of INFO 4 U’s site , data is automatically generated that tracks what pages a user may be accessing and what links a user may follow. This information is NOT matched with the identify of any one user. INFO 4 U uses this information to learn what interests our users and to improve what our site offers. INFO 4 U also uses this information to enhance your visit to the site by notifying you of special offers or special events that relate to your interests.

Voluntary Information
A second type of information is information that you voluntarity provide to us, such as the information you fill out to become a member, enter a contest, or provide to request to be added on to our newsletter list.

Sharing Information
We do not share any of this information with any third party without first obtaining your permission.

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