Welcome to INFO 4 U's Astronomy Home Page
NASA planet
As now i am very young I loved dreaming about rockets, trips to the moon and the marvels of space. Although I'm still here on Earth, creating these pages and exploring the amazing online resources of NASA, and other great sites has left me with a greater appreciation of the mysteries of the universe.
Whether you are a student or teacher, or if you just have a curious mind, you will find something here to inspire; in-depth information on planet Earth, volcanos on Mars, NASA missions past and present, origins of life, incredible images. So come and surf, learn and most of all, enjoy.

  1. Sun
  2. A Map of Sky
  3. The Chandra Mission
  4. The Big Bang Model
  5. Ancient Planet
  6. Is the Weather in Space?
  7. 318 times as massive as Earth
  8. A satellite of our own
  9. Its going to hit us or its not
  10. Lunar Explorations
  11. Microbes in Space
  12. Mount Olympus
  13. Pluto beyond Neptune or not
  14. Will the Sun Shine forever
  15. What is Micro Gravity
  16. Two Faces absolutely
  17. The Sun the mighty engine of the Solar System
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