Our Purpose
INFO 4 U brings high quality science and maths to the Internet. Our goal is to provide the best science and maths resources for students . The INFO 4 U web pages include Life, Geology, Physical, Maths , Fun and many more facts. Bookmark us or link to us from your computer or browser to have quick access to the top science sites on the Internet. Through our website make students know more about science and maths.

                                                                                 Who We Are
INFO 4 U was formed in 2008 with one goal - to excite young minds about science by integrating information, communication all in a fun-to-use Internet network. we hope you enjoy it.

Partner With Us
INFO 4 U's goal is to help people investigate, find and connect with the right science & technology learning resources. Whether you are an eighth-grader, respected professor, small school district, corporate professional, or talented parent, INFO 4 U has the tools to help you succeed in finding what you need. Find a lesson plan that integrates teaching tools, products, current events, and real world experience. Learn more about a topic than what you can find in a newspaper, book, CD-ROM or on TV. Experience information through people, places and organizations in your own community and beyond. INFO 4 U wants to connect people to the best and most current information on science & technology, easily and completely.

Why Become A Partner?
Businesses as well as nonprofit organizations depend upon an educated, skilled, and competent workforce. Today's students are tomorrow's citizens and a long-term investments in the future. We all play an ever-increasingly important role as partners in educating our youth. Any company or organization, regardless of its size, can take steps to support local education and collaborate to develop a qualified, local workforce. Over 30 years of research shows that greater family and adult involvement in children's learning is a critical link to achieving a high-quality education.

The private sector - employers and employees are also critical players in education. The business community is involved in educational initiatives at all levels -- national, state, and local. Companies and their employees have started collaborative efforts in communities throughout the country to systematically change and improve education. We want to strengthen that connection to you.

INFO 4 U enables all participants to share information and ideas about programs that support community involvement in education. Businesses have access to cutting edge educational research as well as examples of business-education partnerships and programs throughout the country.

Partnering Options
There are multiple options for you to become a partner. We want to encourage you to join with the knowledge that everyone has different resources, needs and requirements. Select one of the areas below that works best for your organization, or make a suggestion:

Advertise your product or service
Sponsor one of our many Feature areas
Contribute and help us integrate the best content, activities, products, community services combined with lesson plans and real world learning experiences to bring you a total solution approach to learning science and technology
Co-Brand your products and services with our site
Contribute your expertise in our Science and Tech Roundup
Join our Information Exchange Program
Share your favorite products, tools, services - yours or others
Connect your program or institution to our members

Join Today

Join the partnership of companies and organizations working in collaboration with schools and increasing community involvement in learning. E-mail us to find out how. 
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