Welcome to Muscles

Welcome to the muscles. Muscles are responsible for your body's every move. Muscles keep your gut from sagging and your lungs pounding. Muscles are more than movers. Muscles make the heat that keep you warm. If you leap, bend, or reach, this is a result of a muscle action. A muscle makes itself smaller when it contracts and larger when it relaxes. Follow the lizards to find out about the three types of muscles and what they do in the body.

Types of Muscles





Skeletal Muscles

Skeletal muscles move and support the skeleton. They make up fifty percent of your body weight. There are 640 individually named skeletal muscles. A skeletal muscle links two bones across its connecting joint. When these muscles contract or shorten, your bone moves. Muscles are arranged in layers over the bones. Those nearest to the skin are called superficial muscles. Those closest to the inside of the body are called deep muscles. Skeletal muscles are voluntary muscles. These are muscles that we can consciously control.

A muscle's name usually describes its shape, location or job. Some skeletal muscles are:

frontalis (forehead)

deltoid (moves shoulder and upper arm)

biceps (bends arm)

rectus abdominis (stomach)

sartorius (bends and turns leg)

Muscles need oxygen and food for energy from your blood in order to work properly. If they work hard but do not get enough, they may go into a spasm and you feel the pain of a cramp.

Overworked muscles



Smooth Muscles

Smooth muscles are found in the hollow parts of the body. This would be in places like the stomach, intestines, blood vessels and the bladder. Smooth muscles are arranged in layers with the fibers in each layer running in a different direction. This makes the muscle contract in all directions.

A smooth muscle is an involuntary muscle. This means that you cannot consciously control this muscle. These muscles are under the control of autonomic nervous system. This system controls many systems without us being aware of them.

Your strongest muscles are the masseters on each side of your mouth. They allow you to bite into things with a force of 73kg (160lb).

Cardiac Muscles

Cardiac muscles cells are striped, like skeletal muscle cells. Cardiac muscles contract automatically to squeeze the walls of the heart inward. The heart beats nonstop about 100,000 times each day. It can do this because of the cardiac muscles.

Most of your heart is made of cardiac muscle. The cardiac muscle never gets tired and never stops working until you die.

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